AG127 – Ghost Ship

Type: American IPA Date: 17 Jul 2017
Batch Size : 30.00 l Brewer: Jono Thompson
Taste Notes: Clone beer of Adnams Ghost Ship

This beer has good assertive pithy bitterness with a malty backbone and a lemon and lime aroma. Ghost Ship is brewed with a selection of malts – Pale Ale, Rye Crystal and Cara. We use Citra, and a blend of other American hop varieties, to create some great citrus flavours.


Mash Ingredients





5.73 kg Pale Malt, Maris Otter (5.9 EBC) Grain 3 88.8 %
0.30 kg Wheat Malt, Ger (3.9 EBC) Grain 4 4.7 %
0.27 kg Rye Malt (Weyermann) (5.9 EBC) Grain 5 4.2 %
0.15 kg Caramunich I (Weyermann) (100.5 EBC) Grain 6 2.3 %

Boil Ingredients





25.85 g Columbus (Tomahawk) [14.00 %] – Boil 90.0 min Hop 7 30.2 IBUs
1.00 Items Whirlfloc Tablet (Boil 15.0 mins) Fining 8
50.00 g Centennial [10.00 %] – Boil 10.0 min Hop 9 15.8 IBUs
25.00 g Centennial [10.00 %] – Boil 0.0 min Hop 10 0.0 IBUs
25.00 g Citra [12.00 %] – Boil 0.0 min Hop 11 0.0 IBUs

Beer Profile

Measured Original Gravity: 1.042 SG Measured Final Gravity: 1.008 SG
Bitterness: 46.0 IBUs Actual Alcohol by Vol: 4.4 %
Est Color: 11.2 EBC

AG126 – Nutty Black

Type: Dark Mild Date: 17 Jul 2017
Batch Size : 30.00 l Brewer: Jono Thompson
Taste Notes: Nutty Black is a curiously dark ruby mild with a hint of nuttiness but unmistakable roasted and bittersweet flavours. Brewed with only the finest dark kiln roasted malts for a bittersweet flavour and lightly hopped with Fuggles and Challanger to give a thoroughly delicious beer.


Mash Ingredients





4.10 kg Pale Malt, Maris Otter (5.9 EBC) Grain 3 78.3 %
0.52 kg Crystal Malt – 60L (Thomas Fawcett) (118.2 EBC) Grain 4 9.9 %
0.30 kg Chocolate Malt (886.5 EBC) Grain 5 5.7 %
0.26 kg Wheat Malt, Ger (3.9 EBC) Grain 6 5.0 %
0.06 kg Black Malt (Thomas Fawcett) (1300.2 EBC) Grain 7 1.1 %

Boil Ingredients





33.00 g Challenger [7.50 %] – Boil 75.0 min Hop 8 24.4 IBUs
1.00 Items Whirlfloc Tablet (Boil 15.0 mins) Fining 9
26.00 g Fuggles [4.50 %] – Boil 10.0 min Hop 10 4.0 IBUs

Beer Profile

Measured Original Gravity: 1.036 SG Measured Final Gravity: 1.010 SG
Bitterness: 28.4 IBUs Actual Alcohol by Vol: 3.4 %
Est Color: 47.7 EBC

AG125 – Citra Rocket

Type: American Pale Ale Date: 17 Jul 2017
Batch Size : 30.00 l Brewer: Jono Thompson
Taste Notes: Golden Ale with citrus aromas. bittered with appolo giving a lovley balance of bitterness and citrus aromas.


Mash Ingredients





4.26 kg Pale Malt, Maris Otter (5.9 EBC) Grain 3 93.9 %
0.20 kg Wheat Malt, Ger (3.9 EBC) Grain 4 4.4 %
0.07 kg Crystal Malt – 60L (Thomas Fawcett) (118.2 EBC) Grain 5 1.7 %

Boil Ingredients





25.00 g Apollo [17.00 %] – Boil 90.0 min Hop 6 44.8 IBUs
1.00 Items Whirlfloc Tablet (Boil 15.0 mins) Fining 7
25.00 g Citra [12.00 %] – Boil 15.0 min Hop 8 13.3 IBUs
50.00 g Citra [12.00 %] – Boil 0.0 min Hop 9 0.0 IBUs

Beer Profile

Measured Original Gravity: 1.033 SG Measured Final Gravity: 1.008 SG
Bitterness: 58.1 IBUs Actual Alcohol by Vol: 3.3 %
Est Color: 8.6 EBC

AG124 – Summer Ale

Type: American Pale Ale Date: 17 Jul 2017
Batch Size : 30.00 l Brewer: Jono Thompson
Taste Notes: A hoppy session beer, with subtle maly flavours


Mash Ingredients





3.75 kg Pale Malt, Maris Otter (5.9 EBC) Grain 3 73.6 %
0.45 kg Munich Malt (17.7 EBC) Grain 4 8.8 %
0.40 kg Rye Malt (Weyermann) (5.9 EBC) Grain 5 7.8 %
0.30 kg Caramunich I (Weyermann) (100.5 EBC) Grain 6 5.9 %
0.20 kg Wheat Malt, Ger (3.9 EBC) Grain 7 3.8 %

Boil Ingredients





15.00 g Apollo [17.00 %] – Boil 60.0 min Hop 8 24.5 IBUs
1.00 Items Whirlfloc Tablet (Boil 15.0 mins) Fining 9
20.00 g Citra [12.00 %] – Boil 15.0 min Hop 10 10.4 IBUs
33.00 g Citra [12.00 %] – Boil 0.0 min Hop 11 0.0 IBUs
33.00 g Simcoe [13.00 %] – Boil 0.0 min Hop 12 0.0 IBUs

Beer Profile

Measured Original Gravity: 1.044 SG Measured Final Gravity: 1.010 SG
Bitterness: 34.9 IBUs Actual Alcohol by Vol: 4.4 %
Est Color: 12.9 EBC

AG123 – West Coast IPA

Type: American Pale Ale Date: 17 Jul 2017
Batch Size : 30.00 l Brewer: Jono Thompson
Taste Notes: A hoppy session beer, with subtle maly flavours


Mash Ingredients





3.75 kg Pale Malt, Maris Otter (5.9 EBC) Grain 3 73.6 %
0.45 kg Munich Malt (17.7 EBC) Grain 4 8.8 %
0.40 kg Rye Malt (Weyermann) (5.9 EBC) Grain 5 7.8 %
0.30 kg Caramunich I (Weyermann) (100.5 EBC) Grain 6 5.9 %
0.20 kg Wheat Malt, Ger (3.9 EBC) Grain 7 3.8 %

Boil Ingredients





15.00 g Apollo [17.00 %] – Boil 60.0 min Hop 8 24.5 IBUs
1.00 Items Whirlfloc Tablet (Boil 15.0 mins) Fining 9
20.00 g Citra [12.00 %] – Boil 15.0 min Hop 10 10.4 IBUs
33.00 g Citra [12.00 %] – Boil 0.0 min Hop 11 0.0 IBUs
33.00 g Simcoe [13.00 %] – Boil 0.0 min Hop 12 0.0 IBUs

Beer Profile

Measured Original Gravity: 1.044 SG Measured Final Gravity: 1.010 SG
Bitterness: 34.9 IBUs Actual Alcohol by Vol: 4.4 %
Est Color: 12.9 EBC

AG122 – Coffee Porter

Type: English Porter Date: 19 Jun 2017
Batch Size : 30.00 l Brewer: Jono Thompson, CBK
Taste Notes: A 2st attempt at a coffee porter, this time packed with a bucket load of espresso. Deffentally Porter and Deffentally Coffee.

Warning may contain caffine!


Mash Ingredients





4.30 kg Pale Malt, Maris Otter (5.9 EBC) Grain 3 67.7 %
0.90 kg Crystal Malt – 60L (Thomas Fawcett) (118.2 EBC) Grain 4 14.2 %
0.60 kg Roasted Barley (Thomas Fawcett) (1199.7 EBC) Grain 5 9.4 %
0.15 kg Chocolate Malt (886.5 EBC) Grain 6 2.4 %

Boil Ingredients





0.40 kg Lyle's Golden Syrup (0.0 EBC) Extract 7 6.3 %
75.00 g Northdown [8.50 %] – Boil 60.0 min Hop 8 59.5 IBUs
1.00 Items Whirlfloc Tablet (Boil 15.0 mins) Fining 9
12.00 Items Coffee – Expresso Shot (Boil 0.0 mins) Flavor 10

Beer Profile

Measured Original Gravity: 1.044 SG Measured Final Gravity: 1.010 SG
Bitterness: 59.5 IBUs Actual Alcohol by Vol: 4.4 %
Est Color: 86.7 EBC

AG121 – Black IPA

Type: American Amber Ale Date: 19 Jun 2017
Batch Size : 28.00 l Brewer: Jono Thompson CBK
Taste Notes: An Expermental brew.

A beer as black as night, but with citrus finish you expect from a Pale ale, the contradictiopn in this beer will confuse the senses but delight the palate!


Mash Ingredients





4.22 kg Pale Malt, Maris Otter (5.9 EBC) Grain 3 65.9 %
0.86 kg Chocolate Malt (886.5 EBC) Grain 4 13.4 %
0.68 kg Wheat Malt, Ger (3.9 EBC) Grain 5 10.6 %
0.28 kg Rye Malt (Weyermann) (5.9 EBC) Grain 6 4.4 %
0.25 kg Black Malt (Thomas Fawcett) (1300.2 EBC) Grain 7 4.0 %
0.11 kg Crystal Malt – 60L (Thomas Fawcett) (118.2 EBC) Grain 8 1.8 %

Boil Ingredients





34.00 g Apollo [17.00 %] – Boil 60.0 min Hop 9 54.0 IBUs
1.00 Items Whirlfloc Tablet (Boil 15.0 mins) Fining 10
33.00 g Citra [12.00 %] – Boil 10.0 min Hop 11 12.2 IBUs
55.00 g Amarillo [9.20 %] – Boil 0.0 min Hop 12 0.0 IBUs
55.00 g Citra [12.00 %] – Boil 0.0 min Hop 13 0.0 IBUs

Beer Profile

Measured Original Gravity: 1.051 SG Measured Final Gravity: 1.010 SG
Bitterness: 66.2 IBUs Actual Alcohol by Vol: 5.4 %
Est Color: 97.9 EBC

AG120 – American Wheat

Type: American Wheat Beer Date: 19 Jun 2017
Batch Size : 30.00 l Brewer: Jono Thompson, CBK
Taste Notes: This Hazy refreshing beer is packed with exuberant citrus flavours and aromas, which are imparted bt the powerful American Hops and Yeast


Mash Ingredients





3.92 kg Wheat Malt, Ger (3.9 EBC) Grain 3 54.5 %
3.26 kg Pilsner (2 Row) UK (2.0 EBC) Grain 4 45.5 %

Boil Ingredients





22.28 g Citra [12.00 %] – Boil 60.0 min Hop 5 22.8 IBUs
1.00 Items Whirlfloc Tablet (Boil 15.0 mins) Fining 6
34.08 g Citra [12.00 %] – Boil 9.0 min Hop 7 10.5 IBUs

Beer Profile

Measured Original Gravity: 1.053 SG Measured Final Gravity: 1.010 SG
Bitterness: 33.3 IBUs Actual Alcohol by Vol: 5.6 %
Est Color: 6.2 EBC

AG119 – IPA Chinook

Type: American Amber Ale Date: 22 May 2017
Batch Size : 30.00 l Brewer: Jono Thompson
Taste Notes: Another beer in the single hop series. This time, still keeping the same grain this beer uses only Chinook Hops, which features a pine-like, spicy bouquet with robust flavors of grapefruit.


Mash Ingredients





5.00 kg Pale Malt, Maris Otter (5.9 EBC) Grain 3 90.9 %
0.50 kg Wheat Malt, Ger (3.9 EBC) Grain 4 9.1 %

Boil Ingredients





5.00 g Chinook, New Zealand [12.10 %] – Boil 60.0 min Hop 5 5.6 IBUs
40.00 g Chinook, New Zealand [12.10 %] – Boil 30.0 min Hop 6 34.2 IBUs
1.00 Items Whirlfloc Tablet (Boil 15.0 mins) Fining 7
55.00 g Chinook, New Zealand [12.10 %] – Boil 0.0 min Hop 8 0.0 IBUs

Beer Profile

Measured Original Gravity: 1.044 SG Measured Final Gravity: 1.008 SG
Bitterness: 39.7 IBUs Actual Alcohol by Vol: 4.7 %
Est Color: 8.0 EBC

AG118 – Rye PA

Type: American Amber Ale Date: 22 May 2017
Batch Size : 30.00 l Brewer: Jono Thompson
Taste Notes: Brewed with Rye as well as barley, this gives a distinstive falvour, thought not a malty flavour, single hopped with Columbus hops which It features a punchy hoppiness and deep, pensive aroma ,columbus has a herbal flavor with a lemon citrus back note.


Mash Ingredients





4.00 kg Pale Malt, Maris Otter (5.9 EBC) Grain 3 66.7 %
1.50 kg Rye Malt (Weyermann) (5.9 EBC) Grain 4 25.0 %
0.50 kg Wheat Malt, Ger (3.9 EBC) Grain 5 8.3 %

Boil Ingredients





25.00 g Columbus (Tomahawk) [14.00 %] – Boil 60.0 min Hop 6 32.1 IBUs
12.00 g Columbus (Tomahawk) [14.00 %] – Boil 30.0 min Hop 7 11.8 IBUs
1.00 Items Whirlfloc Tablet (Boil 15.0 mins) Fining 8
12.00 g Columbus (Tomahawk) [14.00 %] – Boil 15.0 min Hop 9 7.6 IBUs
25.00 g Columbus (Tomahawk) [14.00 %] – Boil 5.0 min Hop 10 6.4 IBUs
40.00 g Columbus (Tomahawk) [14.00 %] – Boil 0.0 min Hop 11 0.0 IBUs

Beer Profile

Measured Original Gravity: 1.040 SG Measured Final Gravity: 1.008 SG
Bitterness: 58.0 IBUs Actual Alcohol by Vol: 4.2 %
Est Color: 8.5 EBC